I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Robotics and Automation System, University of Turku, Finland, where I work with Prof. Tomi Westerlund in his research group Turku Intelligent Embedded and Robotic Systems (TIERS).
Currently, I am also a Visiting Researcher at Tampere University, Finland, where I have been part of Assoc. Prof. Azwirman Gusrialdi’s research group of Intelligent Networked Systems (IINES) and I have been active in developing and maintaining the Networked Robotics Laboratory. I received my Dr.Eng degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, under the supervision of by Prof. Masayuki Fujita and Prof. Takeshi Hatanaka.
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DrEng in Systems and Control Engineering, 2020
Tokyo Institute of Technology
MEng in Mechanical and Control Engineering, 2017
Tokyo Institute of Technology
BEng in Electrical Engineering, 2011
Institut Teknologi Bandung